
Athlete Representation
"There has to be a recognition of the value of the athlete's voice"

Athlete Representatives worldwide are fighting for more independence from sports organisations and more rights - especially after the Russian doping scandal. This galvanized the athlete community, says Beckie Scott, one guest at this week's Sports Talk. But where are the athletes headed?

Emma Terho, Beckie Scott and Moritz Geisreiter as guests with Marina Schweizer |
Beckie Scott, Vorsitzende der Athletenkommission der Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur WADA, spricht am 5. Juni 2018 auf einer Pressekonferenz im Anschluss an das erste Global Athlete Forum in Calgary, Alberta.
Beckie Scott, outgoing chair of WADA's athlete commission (The Canadian Press / AP Photo / Jeff McIntosh)
"Athlete power on the rise" – this was the title of this fall’s Play the Game Conference in Colorado Springs. At Deutschlandfunk's Sportgespräch (Sports Talk) we were able to talk to three athlete representatives of three different organisations.
Athletes worldwide are coming together forming new sorts of representation bodies. They are fighting for more independence and more rights. In some countries they have achieved a loosening of the rule 40 – a rule within the Olympic charter that restricts the marketing rights of athletes during the time period around Olympic Games. This is only one example.
Emma Terho in leitender Funktion bei der finnischen Olympiamannschaft während der Olympischen Winterspiele 2018  in Pyeongchang
Emma Terho während der Olympischen Winterspiele 2018 in Pyeongchang (Lehtikuva / dpa / Jussi Nukari)
Rebellion or obedience – where are athletes headed?
We discuss this with Emma Terho, former Finnish icehockey player and member of the IOC athlete commission,
Beckie Scott, former Canadian cross-country skier and outgoing chair of the athlete committee of the World Anti Doping Agengy (WADA),
and Moritz Geisreiter, former speedskater and member of the independent German association Athletes Germany.
Moritz Geisreiter
Moritz Geisreiter (Athleten Deutschland e.V.)