
Nazila Maroofian
Verhaftete iranische Journalistin offenbar wieder frei

Die im Iran verhaftete Journalistin Nazila Maroofian ist offenbar wieder frei. Auf X postete sie ein Foto. Über den Fall Maroofian und die Arbeitsbedingungen für Journalistinnen im Iran berichtet die frühere ARD-Iran-Korrespondentin Natalie Amiri.

Amiri, Natalie |
(FILES) A woman in the Cypriot capital Nicosia looks at a screen on November 4, 2022, displaying an undated video of Iranian journalist Nazila Maroufian, who according to a Norway-based human rights organisation, was arrested by the Iranian authorities on October 30, after she interviewed the father of Mahsa Amini. Maroufian said on August 13, 2023 that she had been released from jail, posting a picture of herself on social media after her release from Tehran's Evin prison. (Photo by Alex MITA / AFP)